About Us

About Us


Our Mission at christianfellowshipping.com is to encourage other Christians in their fellowship time with God and other believers by helping them understanding that they can read, study and understand the bible.

We pray that our mission, to encourage other Christians, can be accomplished through our Blogs and Free Bible Studies. If you would like to be notified when a new blog or bible study has been posted just click on the bell that is located on the bottom right corner of this page to subscribe. (Sorry Apple users, Apple does not allow you to subscribe to our push notification yet. Hopefully soon!)


We are Tony and Michelle and we have been married for 25 years. By God’s grace and mercy, we were saved before we were married. God has blessed us with three children and two grandchildren. We feel fortunate to have been able to raise our children in the knowledge of God. We have made mistakes along the way, but we believe that as long as we try to learn from those mistakes, it’s all good. God has our back.


I didn’t have Christian influences in my life when I was growing up.  Although, I do see how God was drawing me to Himself as I look back on my childhood.  Ultimately, creation has ended up being the biggest influence in my life.  In 1993, I stood in awe as the Hale-Bopp comet could be seen at night.  I wondered where something like that comes from, which I realized something as amazing as a comet can only come from God.


I grew up in the church but didn’t have a personal and daily relationship with God until I was in my 20’s, and my husband and I started going to church together.  When I was pregnant with our first daughter, we felt God leading me to quit my job to stay home. I was a stay at home mom for almost 14 years before going back to work part time. Each and every season of life has had its good and bad moments, but my faith and knowledge has only grown because of it.