Is the practice of Lent in the Bible? What does it signify? Is it a tradition you should observe? These are just a few questions people ask during the Lenten Season leading up to Easter. In this blog article, we will search scripture to find the meaning of Lent and answer the above questions.
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-13
Is Lent in the Bible?
No, Lent isn’t in the Bible.
Yes, Lent is based on events in the Bible
What Verses in the Bible is Lent Based on?
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-13
Scripture tells us that after Jesus was baptized the Spirit led Him into the wilderness. It was there that Jesus decided to fast for 40 days and 40 nights. During and after that period of time Satan tempted Jesus. This 40 day period of time, which was a precursor to Jesus’ ministry, is the basis of Lent.
What is the Purpose of fasting during Lent?
The purpose of this tradition is to prepare our heart and mind spiritually for Easter. Christians have the option to humble themselves before God as a way of acknowledging what Jesus Christ experienced. Jesus denied himself, through fasting, for 40 days. Christians take part in fasting as a form of acknowledgment of what He experienced.
Do we Have to Fast During Lent?
You can show your appreciation to God in various ways, fasting is just one of many.
You can abstain from certain foods or actions for the 40 day period time.
Change your Focus:
Instead of abstaining from something, you can switch your focus to God.
You can up your spiritual routine by purposeful fellowship with God by adding prayer and/or bible reading to your daily routine.
Another option is to focus to adding additional good works into your life during this time frame.
Abstaining from meat on Fridays:
This tradition was and still is observed by some Christians as a way to remember Jesus’s death on the cross. I believe this is okay as long as you are doing it out of remembrance and not as a sacrificial act.
Scripture of Jesus’ death on the cross: Matthew 27:45-51
Is Lent a Tradition I Should Observe?
This is a personal decision that only you can answer. Fellowship time with God, and for God, is very important. Lent should take you above and beyond your normal fellowship with God.
Remember, this should be a time of remembrance and humbleness, and not based on doing sacrificial acts. Jesus made the ultimate act of sacrifice so we don’t have to anymore.
We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believers.