Marriage is an exciting step in a relationship. We took that step 22 years ago. Now a days 22 years is a long time, and it’s something I’m excited to be a part of. God created marriage for a reason, and if I don’t understand why, I can’t just assume that our marriage will last a lifetime.

This year my husband’s parents will be married for 50 years, and my parents for 54 years. I want to go beyond that 50 year mark! In order for that to happen we both have to do our part, and we need to let God do His thing. Then, God willing, we will have a long, healthy, strong, and spiritually focused marriage. That’s my goal . ❤ Again, I can’t expect to reach that goal if I don’t try understand why GOD created marriage.


God has a lot to say about marriage, including the roles of husbands and wives, hierarchy of marriage, love and respect in marriage, and so much more. Today I am only touching on the topic of why. If you want to study more on marriage, we got you covered! We have a bible study call Lord, Teach Me About Marriage and it’s yours free to download.


Genesis 2:18-25, 1:27-28
I Corinthians 7:1-9

First, God laid the foundation for marriage from the very beginning, starting in Genesis. In Genesis 2:18-25 God created women(Eve). God tells us why, because “it is not good that man should be alone.” God doesn’t want us to live a life of loneliness. He wants us to have a companion that compliments who we are, and how He created us. He understands what we need, so He created marriage purposefully.

Secondly, in Genesis 1:27-28 God calls us to be “fruitful and multiply.” We are to do this in a marriage setting. This is one of the reasons why God brought Adam and Eve together in Genesis 2:18-25.

Finally, God also explains in the New Testament why He created marriage. We read in I Corinthian 7:1-9 that marriage covers the sin of sexual immorality. Throughout the bible God continually reminds us that Sexual immorality is a sin. (This sin came about right after Adam ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:6-7) Because God knows our desire for sexual immorality He gave us a covering for that sin, and that’s marriage.


God created the union of marriage from the start, and He had a reason for creating it how He did. It’s our duty as Christians to learn why God has called us to live a certain way, and this goes beyond marriage, into all aspects of our life.

We hope you search our Free Bible Studies from Christian Fellowshipping for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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