How to focus on God when you can’t?
So often I want to spend some one on one time with God but I don’t know how to. This morning I sat in front of my computer, bible next to me, my cold water (I am not a coffee drinker 🙂 ) close by within reach, ready to write my next blog post. I usually have an idea of what the topic is that I feel led to write about. But not today. My mind was racing with everything that I need to do today, worries of tomorrow, and the what ifs that always seem to enter my mind. In short, I did not know how to focus on God this morning.
I decided for this blog post, I would outline the routine, that I did today, that enabled me to focus on God. I pray that this will help you when you find yourself in a similar situation.
How to focus on God
- Pray
Heavenly Father,
I know and want to fellowship with You right now. You are God, the One true God, the creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in between! Thank You for letting this desire to fellowship with You to continue to live on in me. But I pray to You, to help me calm my spirit and mind so I can spend time with You God. - Calm your mind
You decide how to do this is. For me, I am going to exercise. I am going to do some basic stretches and exercises for about 15 minutes. Exercising usually calms me down, and relaxes me. I believe this is because I am focusing on me and what I am doing at this particular moment, and not what needs to be done still like laundry, dishes, errands, the children and grandchildren etc. This is me time, with worship music playing in the background to keep me focused. - Prepare
Now that your are a little more at peace and settled, you can decided how you are going to fellowship with God. Are you going to pray, read scripture, study scripture etc.? Decide what you are going to do and then get prepared. Gather what you are going to need, get a drink and maybe put your cell phone on vibrate so you are not tempted to look at it during your time with God. I decided that I am going to read Romans 12. - Focus on God
No matter how you decided to focus on God, begin by thanking Him for helping you clear your mind. If you are like me, there’s still all kinds of stuff floating around in there. But I can now push a lot of it to the back of my mind and put God where He deserves to be, in the forefront. Begin and end your time with God by thanking Him.
Thank You Lord for giving me another opportunity to be just with You! Help me to see whatever it is that You want me to see today in scripture. - End in prayer
Don’t forget to end your one on one time with God in prayer. I so often overlook this, and it is so important!.
Thank You so much God for helping me to clear my mind and put You in front of everything else. Help me to keep this peace that I feel right now. I also want to thank You God for the simple lessons that You showed me today. You reminded me that I really am not putting You first and clearing my mind of the worry that I should be giving to You. You showed me through scripture (Romans 12) where I have been falling short, and the sin pattern that I beginning to give in to. Help me to overcome this God. Again, I thank You for the times when I am able to fellowship with You one on one. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Your time with God doesn’t have to be spent unlocking the mysteries of the universe. It also doesn’t have to last for hours. God just wants you, and wants you to put Him in front of all the chaos (and to give that chaos to Him to worry about).
We hope you search our Free Bible Studies from Christian Fellowshipping for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believers.