“Am I living out what I have learned from bible studies?

While driving to work this morning I asked myself a question, “Am I living out what I have learned from my bible studies?”. That was a tough question for me to answer. My immediate answer was no I don’t. It goes in one ear and out the other. It does rattles around in there for a little while before it makes an exit.

Throughout the day that question kept coming back to me, “Am I living out what I have learned from my bible studies?”. Every time I thought What’s the point of studying the bible if I can’t retain it long enough to start living it out?


I became unsettled, not liking my response at all. This is because I wasn’t satisfied knowing that it’s hard to start living out what you have learned. I don’t think the Holy Spirit liked how I was feeling either. I don’t mean that in a bad way.

The Holy Spirit has an awesome job! He resides in us (I John 3:24), He teaches us, He makes us remember, and He give us a sense of peace (John 14:26 KNJV). This is exactly what He did for me throughout the day! God is Good.


  • God: A Facebook post asked “What Book of the bible has changed your life?”.
  • Me: Jude! I love Jude because I learned so much from that short little book! I learned that we are preserved in Christ (my favorite way of describing salvation). Also, that God gave us past biblical events to learn from. It really is history and we need to learn from it. False teachers are all around us trying to deceive us, so we need to be aware and stand firm to our faith. My favorite thing that I learned comes at the end of the chapter where it talks about having compassion and trying to save those that are falling into the fire, even though you hate the sin you still try to save them.
  • God: Do you still think “what’s the point in doing bible studies?” ?
  • Me: Speechless (until I wrote this blog post)


Have faith in the Holy Spirit. Believe that He will work in you just as scripture tells us, and keep studying the bible so He can bring to your mind all that you have learned right when you need it most!

Search our Free Bible Studies from Christian Fellowshipping for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes.

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