Romans 8:22-23

Have you noticed how the unhappiness in this world seems to be overpowering right now? This is not limited to unbelievers. In fact, it’s not limited to people, ALL of God’s creation groans. But, let’s see if we are groaning for the correct reasons. Read Romans 8:22-23 and answer the following questions.

Verse 22

  1. According to this verse what part of God’s creation groans and labors?
  2. What do you think this means, and does this surprise you? Explain.

Verse 23

  1. What part of God’s creation is this verse is talking about? Explain.
  2. Are you surprised, yes or no, that scripture confirms that believers groan too?
  3. Explain why believers, God’s children, groan.


  1. Do you realize that you groan? If not, do you realize that God expects us to be groaning for the right reasons? (Groaning because we are looking forward to our final redemption, eternal life with Christ.) 
  2. Those who do not believe in the One True God, also groan, and we see this through the evil that is happening all around us. Why do you think they groan within themselves so much?
  3. What can we do to help believers and non-believers groan for our future redemption, and not for worldly reasons?