JAMES 5:16

All of us struggle with sin. In this short bible study, we will learn what scripture tells us to do to be healed of that sin. Read James 5:13-18 and then answer the following questions.

Read James 5:16

  1. Confess your trespasses to one another.
    Keyword is YOUR.
    • Focus on the keyword and explain what this verse is telling us to do.
    • What is a sin that you are struggling with right now, that you need help overcoming?
  1. Pray for one another.
    Keyword is ONE ANOTHER
    • Focus on the keyword and explain what this verse is telling us what to do.
    • Who are some fellow Christians that you can go to regularly for group prayer, praying for your sins?
  1. The next part of this verse tells us why we need to confess our trespasses and to pray for each other. (That you may be healed)
    • What would the keyword be?
    • Explain why this is able to happen?
  1. The last part of this verse has keywords that explain why/how prayers can be effective.
    • Write out the last part of this verse. Underline the keywords that make a prayer powerful.
    • Explain why these keywords make this portion of the verse important for us to follow.
>Author’s Thoughts
  1. This verse is telling me to confess MY sins to another Christian, NOT the sins of that someone else that tempted me to sin. Confess MY sins.
    Laziness, unmotivated
  2. We are NOT suppose to pray alone about our sins! We are to pray WITH other Christians!
    My current prayer group. Any of these members I would feel comfortable praying one on one with too when the need arises.
  3. Keyword is Healed
    Why, We can be healed from our sins because by asking for prayer, confessing our sin. (Initially, and when we are feeling tempted to commit that sin again) We are not to do a one and done prayer, there is strength in numbers!
  4. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
    Effective, Praying God’s will be done.
    Fervent, Intense, passionate, persistent.
    Righteous man, Follower of God.
    Whether your are asking people to pray for you, or praying with others for yourself or them, we need to our prayers to be in God’s will, we need to be passionate, and to be following God!
    To learn more about God’s will you can read our blog article, Doing the will of God in my life.