The Old and New Testament talks about teaching our children the bible, biblical history, and raising them knowing who God is. So, why do we need to teach our children about God? What we need to know to answer that question is contained in scripture. To start with, below you will find 2 verses in the Old Testament.

It’s important for adults to learn about God, so we can be teaching our children about Him. We need to teach our children NOW about God, His word, His ways, His truths so they will become adult believers who can then teach their children. God wants each of us to keep this cycle going, and going, and going….

DEUTERONOMY 4:9 Use it or Loose it!

We need to be active Christians all the time. If we don’t live out our faith then we will forgets our faith! If we forget our faith then how will we teach our children about God and what He has done?

EPHESIANS 6:4 Train Them!

God calls us to not just teach our children His word, but to train them! Training is different than teaching.

Teaching is book smarts and Training is street smarts Teaching is words and Training is actions

DEUTERONOMY 6:6-9 It’s Our Responsibility!

Verse 6:6 says this “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.” Verse 5 is the commandment He told them, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” The next verses contains what our responsibility is, and How to achieve it.

  • Teach our Children the commandments God has laid on our hearts.
  • Talk to them about it when you walk, sit, go to sleep and when you get up.
  • Lead by example.
  • Put reminders up all around you.

We need to teach and train our children, and the children around us with the love and fear of God shinning through us. Check out our free bible studies for resources to help you teach and train your children in the faith.

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