Over the years marriage has changed, but I am not going to talk about those changes. Instead, lets talk about the biblical principles of marriage, because those have not changed.
This year, my husband and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We were young in our faith when we got married, but we promised each other that we would keep God in the center of our marriage. As with anything in life, the longer you are apart of something the more you learn. Here are 3 biblical principles that I believe are a must for marriage. Love, Roles and Equals.
Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirs up strife.
But love covers all sins.
Love, you are not going to feel loved, or feel like showing love to your spouse every day of your marriage. You will have hard times, but if you apply this verse to your marriage it will help bring love back to the surface.
In a marriage you have to remember that love is more than an emotion, it is also an action. So when you have hatred or anger that will lead to more sins, not to love. If we replace the anger or hatred with love, that will lead to forgiveness and more love, and steer us away from sin.
Genesis 2:18- 3:16-20
God designed husbands and wives to have different roles. We are similar, but husbands and wives were designed differently by God for a reason. Together husbands and wives are complete, and they are the complete image of God. Husbands and wives need to embrace there biblical roles, instead of conforming to the roles that the world has defined for us.
Wives – God made women to be a man’s helper. She is to be a companion, helper and mate. Genesis 3:16 tells us that a wives desire will be for her husband.
Husbands – God made men to lead the family. In Genesis 2:24 the husband leaves his parents and is joined to his wife. He leaves one family to start a new one. Genesis 3:16 says that he will rule over his wife.
Just because it says a husband rules over his wife, that does NOT mean that he should be a tyrant, bully, or think that he is better than she is!
I Corinthians 11:11-12
Husbands and wives have different roles, but neither one is more important than the other! In God’s eyes you are equals, so you need to treat each other like equals. You do that by filling your marriage with love and respect, just like God designed it!
We pray that this blog on marriage was a blessing for you. We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes.
If you want to learn about becoming a child of God, and what that means you can read our post titled What is Salvation? and God’s Promise of Salvation.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.