God is Love

Lesson One: Salvation

This is the first lesson, in a series call Types of promises in the bible. In this first lesson, God’s promise of Salvation, is what I feel to be the most important promise of God. We need to be able to talk about this promise, and explain it, because it’s the foundation of our faith.

  1. How would you describe Salvation?
  2. What is sin? Give examples of sin.
    ( I John 3:4, 5:17, Romans 3:23, example 20:1-17)
  3. Explain the role that sin plays in salvation?
  4. Explain why we need our sin removed?
    (I John 3:4-9)
  5. Why is our salvation so important to God?
    (John 3:16-17)

Join us as we study the promises of God. In the next few post, we will be looking at some specific promises of God, in bible study form. (Links will be added below) This will be a good opportunity to fellowship with God while learning His word, and hopefully be encouraged at the same time.

Introduction : Types of promises in the bible
Lesson 1: God’s Promise of Salvation
Lesson 2: God’s promise that He will never leave you or forsake you
Lesson 3: God’s promise in the Beatitudes

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