The Beatitudes; Promises of God & Why are they important

The Beatitudes are made up of an action/emotion on our part, and then followed up by a promise from God. While some promises are unconditional, these promises are conditional, meaning we have to be doing a certain action or have a certain emotion to receive God’s promise. Instead of studying each promise, we are going to focus more on this passage as a whole (click here if you would like to study the Beatitudes in depth). Before beginning this lesson Read Matthew 5:1-12, Luke 6:20-26.


  1. Roughly how many promises of God are contained in these passages of scripture?
    Matthew 5:1-12
    Luke 6:20-26

  2. List the promises that God tells us He will bless us with from Matthew 5:1-12.

  3. These are conditional promises of God, based on our actions/emotions. Explain why should we hold fast to these specific promises, now and in the future?

  4. Has God followed through with any of these promises for you? Explain.

  5. Why do you think God wants to bless us with these promises?


Unfortunately, we often overlook God fulfilling His promises, this can happen for many reason. One reason is because we are waiting for God to answer one way, when in reality He is fulfilling His promise in an unexpected way (in our eyes). Secondly, we can be too busy experiencing and focusing on what is happening that we completely overlook God and His promise. Read these two passages (Matthew 5:1-12, Luke 6:20-26) multiple times over the next few days. While reading theses passages think about the conditions that the promises are based on, and how precious they truly are.


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for all the promises that we have received already, and thank You for the promises that I (we) can look forward to in the future. Help me (us) to stay encouraged everyday, knowing that whatever comes my (our) way, You have a promise waiting for me (us) to receive! In Jesus name I pray that I (we) will look to Your promises on the good and hard days, always. As I (we) read your word this week, open my (our) heart, mind, and soul to understanding the promises that You have waiting for me (us).
In Jesus name, Amen

We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes.


Introduction : Types of promises in the bible
Lesson 1: God’s Promise of Salvation
Lesson 2: God’s promise that He will never leave you or forsake you
Lesson 3: God’s promise in the Beatitudes

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