The Promise of a New Heaven and New Earth

The Promise of a New Heaven and New Earth

New Heaven New Earth

God has made mention in scripture of the many promises He has made, some past and some still to come. So far we have covered His promise of salvation, that He won’t leave us or forsake us, and His promises in the beatitudes, but in this study we will be looking at a promise to come, the new heaven and new earth! (Click here to go to the links for all the lessons.) Before starting this bible study read II Peter 3:10-13.


Read II Peter 3:1-13.

What is God’s promise contained in this scripture reading (vs 13)?

Taken from vs12, are you looking towards the day of God, when He begins to fulfil this promise?

Because we know this promise is coming, what kind of life do you want to be living, knowing that God will come and fulfil this promise in such a powerful and visual way!?

Revelation 21-22:5

Revelation 21-22:1-5 is a visual of the new heaven and new earth. As you read this passage keep in mind that this is one of God’s promises to come. This is an is unconditional promise, but it is conditional if we are able to live there in the presence of God.

Explain how you feel after reading this passage from Revelation.

Why should we remember this promise is from God, and how can it help us now as we look forward, towards this promise?


This promise, a new heaven and new earth, will be available to us because of God’s promise of salvation! All of the choices we made yesterday and today can affect our life tomorrow. If we choose salvation in Christ, then we will live within the new heaven and new earth. (That God has promised to create.) But for those that do not choose salvation in Christ will have a different eternal future. (Matthew 25:41) Hold tight to God’s promises, it is truth, and is written to help and encourage us. (II Timothy 3:16) Read the scripture from this study over the next few day. Before and after you reread the scripture ask yourself the third question. (Because we know this promise is coming, what kind of life do you want to be living, knowing that God will come and fulfil this promise in such a powerful and visual way!?)


Heavenly Father,

We (I) thank You for all the promises that You have given us, are giving, and will be giving to us in the future! Thank You for being our (my) God and not forgetting about us (me). Instead continue to want us (me) to live eternal life with You and all of Your children!
We (I) come to You Lord, asking You to help us (me) appreciate Your promise to come, the new heaven and earth. God, help us to look towards this promise. Help us (me) to find encouragement in this, knowing we (I) can experience this promise in the future, for eternity. Help us (me) each day to NOT forget what You can do, want to do, and what You will do.
Keep us (me) looking to You, In Jesus name we (I) pray, AMEN.

We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believers.


Introduction : Types of promises in the bible
Lesson 1: God’s Promise of Salvation
Lesson 2: God’s promise that He will never leave you or forsake you
Lesson 3: God’s promise in the Beatitudes
Lesson 4: The Promise of a New Heaven and New Earth

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