7 Ways to Keep Christmas all Year Long
Our traditions keep us focused on what’s important to us, therefore we are looking to traditions as a way we can keep Christmas all year long.
Our traditions keep us focused on what’s important to us, therefore we are looking to traditions as a way we can keep Christmas all year long.
What does the bible say about worrying? This is something that many of us struggle with. Fortunately the bible has many verses on worrying. I am going to narrow it down to help us out. Below are some examples from the Bible about worrying, which we can relate too.
I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s important to read God’s word everyday. You can find many verses that talk about the importance of reading, learning and just being in God’s word. But honestly, Sometimes being a Christian seems like hard work. II Timothy 3:16-17 Psalm 119:105 Matthew 4:4 People talk about how they read everyday, how they have a routine so that they don’t miss a day. These are suppose to be words of encouragement for us, because it is…
PSALM 11 WHY THIS PSALM? Have you ever wondered if you should be thankful for the trials and temptations in life? Read Psalm 11 and see if you are a little more thankful, grateful and encouraged when you are done. Please read this Psalm, then finish reading my blog post. I should be thankful for everything I have, right? I should be thankful for the trials and temptations that I am going through, right? As I was reading Psalm 11,…
As Christians, we know that we are called to encourage each other. How often do we actually do this? How often should we be doing this?
Is all scripture important? Do you wonder is some parts of scripture are more important than others parts? I think it’s all important!
The Old and New Testament talks about teaching our children the bible, biblical history, and raising them knowing who God is. So, why do we need to teach our children about God? What we need to know to answer that question is contained in scripture. To start with, below you will find 2 verses in the Old Testament. It’s important for adults to learn about God, so we can be teaching our children about Him. We need to teach our…
God wrote the bible for you, and He has given you the ability to understand it. He will show you what He wants you to know. God is good, and if you study His word He will guide and direct you to wisdom and understanding according to His will for you.
What is Salvation? In order to understand salvation we first need to understand what sin is. Only then can we can fully appreciate the awesome gift of salvation.