We ask that you and/or your bible study group use this study aide for personal use only.
Posted on Christianfellowshipping.com, Written by Michelle Sarvo, October 20, 2019
Sometimes we forget how AWESOME God really is! This bible study aide will help you remember how awesome He is, and will answer the question “Who Is God?”.
When doing the lessons:
- Begin each lesson in prayer.
- Read the scripture reading together.
- Read the first question.
- Encourage the children to answer before you give them any answers. (Some possible answers are in the parenthesis.)
- Have fun spending time in God’s word with the kids.
If we fellowship with them when they are young, they will want to fellowship with us when they are older. I wrote these FAMILY BIBLE STUDIES to do at home with my children, along with other mom’s that wanted join us with their children. I pray that you and your children will be blessed because you have chosen to get into God’s word together.
Lesson 1
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 29 together before asking the questions.
1) What does it mean if I ask you about your character or attributes? And I don’t mean
characters from Disney channel.
(This means your personality, what you like to do, what you don’t like to do, what
makes you mad, how you treat other people, what you are good at, and so on.)
2) Vs 1-4. Why do we need to learn more about God’s character or attributes?
(So we can praise Him and give Him the glory for all He does.)
3) What does this Psalm tell us about God?
(Have them tell you as your reading out loud to them.)
4) This week, tell your Dad & Mom 3 things about God that you see around you. Example:
God must be pretty powerful to make the wind blow all those trees branches around.
Lesson 2
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 8 before asking the questions.
1) What does this Psalm tell us about God?
(Have them tell you some of the characteristics/attributes of God.)
2) Read VS 4-8 again.
3) How does God feel about you?
(He thinks we are special. He made us different from everything else He created.
He made us to rule over them.)
4) This week tell your Dad & Mom 3 things that God has done to make you special.
(Talk about some examples; God has given me the ability to sing well, God has
given me the ability to learn how to swim.)
Lesson 3
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 19 before asking the questions.
1) What does this Psalm tell us about God?
(Have them tell you some of the characteristics/attributes of God AS YOU READ
the psalm out loud.)
2) How does the heavens show God’s glory?
(Whatever amazes you in Heaven that GOD HAS CREATED, gives glory to Him!
Examples, the sun rising and setting, the stars shining only at night, the clouds in the
sky moving and giving rain.)
3) Why is it important to know that God’s word is perfect?
(Because those are the rules we follow! If God is perfect then His word will be!)
4) This week tell your Dad & Mom 3 things that glorify God.
(Go over some ideas with them. It could be an answer to a prayer, a beautiful day
that God has made, the rain that God sent down to water the plants/field, or a day
that God enabled you to have a TON of fun.
Lesson 4
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 22 before asking the questions.
1) Read Psalm 22:16-18. Who do you think this Psalm is talking about, and why?
(Who from the New Testament had these things happen to Him?)
2) Read Psalm 22:19-21. Who does He (Jesus) turn to during His time on the cross? How does
He turn to Him?
(He turns to God!, He ask God to not be far from Him, to help Him get through it.)
3) Why is it important to know that Jesus asked God the Father for help while He was on
(If Jesus asked God for help, then we should too!)
4) Do you need help with anything? Tell God 3 things this week that you need help with. Ask
your parents to pray with you for at least 1 of those things.
(Go over some ideas with them. It could be to help you be nicer to your family, to
do better with your chores, to help you read or write better or maybe to be less shy
and quiet. It’s up to you!)
Lesson 5
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 42 before asking the questions.
1) Why does an animal pant, breaths heavy, tongue hanging out?
(Usually because they are hot, and they REALLY, REALLY need a drink of water to
cool off.)
2) What does verse 1 & the first part of 2 mean?
(Just like that animal REALLY, REALLY needs that water from a brook, our soul
should REALLY, REALLY want/need GOD!)
3) Will we ALWAYS feel close to God?
(No, everyone has times when they don’t see God around them.)
4) What should we do when we don’t feel close to God?
(Find answers in the Psalm.)
5) Have you ever prayed to God? Has He ever answered your prayers? This week I want you to
tell your parents about a couple of times when God has answered one of your prayers.
(Go over some ideas with them.)
Lesson 6
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 46 before asking the questions.
1) What does verse 1 tell us about God?
(God is our refuge and Strength.)
2) What does it mean that He is our refuge and our strength?
(During a thunderstorm what where do you take refuge at? Why wouldn’t you just
stand out in the open? When would you take refuge in God? Any time of trouble, or
sadness, when your hurt, and even everyday moments, and we go to through prayer,
and trust.)
3) Read verses 3-6. What are some of the things God can do?
(Read the verses and have them tell you those things as your reading.)
4) If God is able to do all those amazing and powerful things what do you think He would be
able to help you with?
(Talk about times in their life that they have trouble with, maybe school, test,
listening, chores, bullies, or not being a bully.)
5) This week, tell your parents anything you want about God.
(It can be praising Him, talking about how He answered your prayer, or what He can
do. You can even talk about some bible history and how God was involved, like
when God dried up the Jordan River so His chosen people could cross over to the
land that He was giving them.)
Lesson 7
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 50 before asking the questions.
1) Read verses 4-6. What do these verses tell us about God?
(He is our Judge! He decides if we have done right or wrong!)
2) Read verses 14-15. What does He want His people to do?
(Give God “Thank You’s”, pay your vows to God, and turn to Him when you need
help! Then to give GOD the glory for helping you! A vow is something you tell God
you will do. If you tell God you will do something, You Need to Do It!)
3) Read verses 16-21. What does God tell the wicked there are doing wrong?
(Have them answer as you are reading.)
4) What awesome thing does God tell them in verses 22-23?
(He gives them one more chance at salvation, one more chance to follow Him and
go to Heaven! That is awesome!)
5) Do your parents give you multiple chances to do the right thing? Does God give you
multiple chance to the right thing? Do you give the people you know a second chance when
they do something that hurts you, or something that you think is wrong? This is a week of
second, third, fourth, maybe even ten chances! When you disagree or get mad at someone,
you need to forgive and move on, give another chance like God does for you! Show some
(Go over some ideas with them. If your brother/sister /friend, yells at you, talk nice,
don’t yell back, forgive them! Try to be nice and not mean to those that do
something bad/mean to you.)
Lesson 8
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 74 & 86 before asking the questions.
1) Read Psalm 74:12-17. What has GOD done in biblical history?
(Have them tell you as you read the verses out loud to them.)
2) Verse 12 calls God “my King from of old.” What do you think this means?
(King of old, He has always been King! God was Adam and Eves King, Moses’
King, Abrahams King, Daniels King! And so on! That’s pretty amazing because He
is also your King if you believe in Him, and what He has done!)
3) Read Psalm 86:8-13. Tell me one thing that about this Psalm.
(Have them wait to tell you until you have read it. Stop after verse 10 and then again
at the end and give them a chance to answer.)
4) This week, your challenge is to find some miracles of God in the Old Testament. You can
do this together with your parents, or on your own and then show them what you have
(Show them how to find some miracles using their bibles.)
Lesson 9
Begin this lesson in prayer.
Read Psalm 89 before asking the questions.
1) Read Psalm 89:6a. Who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord?
(Who is in Heaven besides God? And of course, the answer is NO ONE!)
2) Read Psalm 89:6b. Who among the sons of mighty can be likened to the Lord?
(Who would be the sons of the mighty? Sons of powerful people maybe, people you
would look at see them as STRONG and POWERFUL. Liked to the Lord means
that you CAN compare them to the Lord, they are like Him! Of course, NO ONE!)
3) Read Psalm 89:8. Who is mighty like the Lord?
(Think of everyone you know, everyone in bible History, everything in the bible too.
Of course, NO ONE or NOTHING is!)
4) Your challenge isn’t just for this week, but for always. Read the first verse in this Psalm.
Memorize this verse, and do your best to do what it says! I think that would make God very
(Talk about what living out this verse means.)
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We ask that you and/or your bible study group use this study aide for personal use only.
Posted on Christianfellowshipping.com, Written by Michelle Sarvo, October 20, 2019
We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes. To learn about salvation and what it means read What is Salvation and God’s Promise of Salvation, it will guide you through this with scripture.