Why was the Bible written? This short Bible Study will answer this question and others. For example:
Have you ever wondered who came up with the idea to write scripture about God?
How did people know what to write about God or what God would want them to write?
This study was created to show how the Bible answers these questions.
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Read Exodus 24:9-12 and 31:18
Who wrote the law and commandments?
Why were the law and commandments written?
Read Deuteronomy 17:16-19
Who said to write a copy of the law in a book?
What is the king told to do with the book?
Read Ezekiel 43:10-12
Who said to write down the design of the temple?
What was the reason for writing the design of the temple?
Read Habakkuk 2:2-4
Who said to write the vision on tablets?
What is the reason for the vision?
Read Luke 1:1-4
Did anyone else write or set in order a narrative of what Jesus did (verse 1)?
Who delivered the word from the beginning (verse 2)?
How does Luke know enough to write an orderly account to Theophilus (verse 3)?
Why did Luke write this letter to Theophilus (verse 4)?
Read John 21:24-25
Why didn’t John write about everything that Jesus did?
Read Revelation 1:10-11
Who said to write what you see in a book?
Where was the book sent to be read?
Fellowship with the author (a.k.a. authors answers)
Exodus 24:9-12 and 31:18
Who wrote the law and commandments? God
Why were the law and commandments written? To teach God’s laws and commands to the people of Israel
Deuteronomy 17:16-19
Who said to write a copy of the law in a book? God (the Lord)
What is the king told to do with the book? To read God’s law and commands every day and to learn to fear God.
Ezekiel 43:10-12 and 43:18
Who said to write down the design of the temple? God
What was the reason for writing down the design of the temple? So the design would be remembered, the laws followed and the ordinances (services) performed how God wants them to be done
Habakkuk 2:2-4
Who said to write the vision on tablets? God
What is the reason for the vision? a warning to run or stay away from wickedness (wickedness written and described in Habakkuk 2:3-20)
Luke 1:1-4
Did anyone else write or set in order a narrative of what Jesus did (verse 1)? Yes, many others
Who delivered the word from the beginning (verse 2)? eyewitnesses and ministers
How does Luke know enough to write an orderly account to Theophilus (verse 3)? He has a perfect understanding of everything since the very beginning
Why did Luke write this letter to Theophilus (verse 4)? So he (Theophilus) can be certain he has been taught what is true
John 21:24-25
Why didn’t John write about everything that Jesus did? The world is not big enough to contain all of the information that could have been written down
Revelation 1:10-11
Who said to write what you see in a book? Jesus
Where was the book sent to be read? 7 churches
We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes. To learn about salvation and what it means read What is Salvation and God’s Promise of Salvation, it will guide you through this with scripture.