All believers know that God has many attributes, and He can be described in many different ways. In this bible study we are going to dig deep, searching ourselves, finding how we personally view God.
Begin in prayer, and then read and answer the questions. To answer the questions, use your bible, your bible resources, (like a concordance, dictionary, cross references etc.) and even the internet. It’s okay to use resources, but always read the verses straight from your bible for accuracy.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for showing Yourself to me, and allowing me to see who You are and what You can do. Help me as I search Your word, to go a little deeper, to understand You better. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Fill in the blanks with words that personal describe how you view God in your own life. This can be how you see God, how He has helped you, or how He has impacted your life. It’s personal, so you may have more than one answer and those answers may not be the same as other believers.   

God is ________________________________________________.

God has_______________________________________________.

God will always_______________________________________.

I believe God _________________________________________.

Search scripture to find verses that back up your answers from questions 1-4.
(Use your bible, and various resources to help you do this.)

God is close to me.
John 14: 16-18
I used the internet, searching “verses saying God is close”. I then read in my bible, the various verses I found, until I found one that best fits with how I feel.

We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes. To learn about salvation and what it means read What is Salvation and God’s Promise of Salvation, it will guide you through this with scripture.