Is Ash Wednesday in the Bible? What does it signify? Is it a tradition you should observe? These are just a few questions people ask during this Lenten Season leading up to Easter. In this blog article, we will search scripture to find the meaning of Ash Wednesday and answer the questions above.
Is Ash Wednesday in the Bible?
No, Ash Wednesday is not in the Bible.
Yes, the basis of Ash Wednesday is rooted in Scripture.
What Does Ash Wednesday Signify?
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 2:7, Ecclesiastes 3:20, II Corinthians 5:8
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a time of remembrance leading up to Easter.
This time of remembrance for Christians starts by acknowledging we are sinners and humbling ourselves before God. The tradition of ashes being placed on the forehead is a symbolic action to help us remember this. God created us, Jesus saved us from our sins, and this only comes through repentance and acceptance.
God created us from the dust of the earth and the dust of the earth is where our earthly bodies will return, without our souls. Our body will return to dust while our soul will be with God forever. This is only because Jesus endured living and dying in the flesh, for us! Remembering this should humble every Christian!
What Does it Signify Using the Ashes of Palm branches?
SCRIPTURE: John 12:12-16
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, people lined the streets holding palm branches. Palm Sunday is based on this event from Scripture, it is the beginning of Holy week. The week leading up to Easter outlines the events of Christ, starting when He entered Jerusalem, and ending with His resurrection.
Is This a Tradition I Should Observe?
I can not answer this question for you. Participating in the tradition of having ashes placed on your forehead, is a personal decision. Will Participating in this tradition help you to fully humble yourself before God? Will it help you to remember what God did through Jesus Christ, in a way that keeps you focused on Him? Only you can answer this question.
Accepting the ashes may help you humble yourself before God. But, if you decide not to that is okay too. Either way we should take the time to remember what this day represents. We are sinners, and and God saved us from all of our sins.
We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes. To learn about salvation and what it means read What is Salvation and God’s Promise of Salvation, it will guide you through this with scripture.