Day 4, HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Only God can quench our thirst and hunger. Join us as we focus on 8 attitudes that God will bless us for having.
Day 4, HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Only God can quench our thirst and hunger. Join us as we focus on 8 attitudes that God will bless us for having.
Join us as we focus on 8 attitudes that God will bless us for having. Todays focus attitude is Meekness. The world see’s it as a flaw, but God calls us to be meek!
Join us as we focus on 8 attitudes that God will bless us for having. Todays focus attitude is Mourning and Weeping. We may feel alone, but take comfort in God and His word.
Todays focus attitude is a poor spirit. It’s not a bad attitude to have! We will focus on 8 attitudes that God will bless us for having.
Do you overcomplicate your prayer life? Don’t worry, God gives us the basics of prayer, and its not overcomplicated!
The bible is filled with so much information about Jesus, who He is, what He did, and what He will do in the future. Everything that I wrote about in this blog post was taken from John 1:1-18.
Paul went through difficult situations in his life. He rejoiced, served Jesus, preached the Gospel and wrote most of the New Testament.
What we put into our bodies is going to either create light or darkness, lets choose light!
God clearly tells us in Deuteronomy how to teach our children the bible in a manner that should enable them to apply it also. Talking to them is key!
God works every angle, simply means this; God can use any situation to impact everyone in a different way. He knows each person inside and out, knowing their individual needs, so He can work every angle of a situation to impact each person differently. BIBLICAL EXAMPLE Matthew 9:1-8 So He got into a boat, crossed over, and came to His own city. Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He…