What does the Bible say about Christmas?
I believe the question, “Is Christmas mentioned in the bible” is commonly asked. Incase you are wondering, the answer is no. This question, can spur on other questions like “What does the bible say about Christmas? Does the bible say we should celebrate Christmas once a year?, I will try to answer these and other questions today.
The bible does not contain the word Christmas, but it does talk about it. In order to figure out what the bible says about Christmas we need to define it, then we can answer other question related to the Bible and Christmas. So, what is Christmas?

What is Christmas?
For Christians, Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ.
We celebrate the birth of Christ because He is the foundation of our faith, our cornerstone and He deserves to be praised and remembered! So, once a year we will celebrate the birth of Christ.
(Ephesians 2:19-22)
What does the bible say about the birth of Christ?
The bible tells us quite a bit about the birth of Jesus. Most importantly it shows us that Christ was born a human birth, but still God, walked on this earth, and suffered for us! He lived a life on earth so we can live a life in Heaven. That is a great reason to celebrate His birth!
(Matthew 1:18 – 2:12, Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-21)
How can we celebrate Christmas and honor what it’s truly about?
A lot of Christmas traditions are based on the Christmas story and God’s love, for giving us His Son. Here are some examples: Gift giving – Wise men gave gifts to Mary, God gave us the gift of His Son, which lead to the gift of Salvation, Star on top of the tree – the star that guided the wise men. Angel on top of the tree – the angel that talked to Mary and the shepherds in the field. Tree – green symbolizes salvation, branches point to Heaven. Our actions during the Christmas season should come from the heart, and should help us honor God, and help shine God’s light to others.
To see more bible based Christmas traditions visit our post on Christmas traditions.
Does the bible say we should celebrate Christmas once a year?
Because the bible doesn’t specifically mention Christmas, it obviously doesn’t say “celebrate Christmas, celebrate it once a year on December 25th”. But if we read scripture, I think we can conclude that God wants us to celebrate Christmas, not only once a year, but all year. He wants us to do this by sharing his message of Salvation all year long! Salvation wouldn’t be possible without the birth of Jesus! So, lets celebrate on December 25th, and all year long.
(I Peter 2:9-10, 3:15)
Salvation and Christmas; What do they have in common?
Salvation wouldn’t be possible without the birth of Jesus! Salvation is an event, its the personal act of accepting a gift that God has for you. We can’t accept this gift on behalf of someone else, so each person has to accept it themselves in order to receive it. For example, at Christmas, if I give my son-n-law a gift, my daughter can take it to him, she can even open the package on his behalf, but she can not accept it or use it because it is a gift that is in his name only. He has to personally accept and want it himself.
Salvation is God’s way of removing our sins from His presence, so we can be with Him for eternity. Sin is evil, so it’s impossible to have sin in us and be in the presence of God. God solved this problem. His Son, Jesus Christ (who is a part of God) was born on this earth to pay the price for your sins, my sins, and every persons sin on this earth. That is what salvation and Christmas have in common – Jesus Christ!
To learn more about Salvation, please read our post What is Salvation, God’s Promise of Salvation.