Search Results for: salvation


A SHORT BIBLE STUDY ON SALVATION This bible study on salvation is based on our blog article WHAT IS SALVATION. If you have any trouble answering these questions simply refer to the blog article for some guidance. WHAT IS SALVATION? Before we can understand salvation, we first have to understand sin. The next step is to understand salvation. Now that we understand sin, and salvation, we need to figure out how we can receive salvation. We ask that you and/or…

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Lesson One: Salvation This is the first lesson, in a series call Types of promises in the bible. In this first lesson, God’s promise of Salvation, is what I feel to be the most important promise of God. We need to be able to talk about this promise, and explain it, because it’s the foundation of our faith. How would you describe Salvation? What is sin? Give examples of sin. ( I John 3:4, 5:17, Romans 3:23, example 20:1-17) Explain…

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A CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS No Christian celebrates Christmas exactly the same. Our Christmas traditions and celebrations may be different, but the goal should be the same. That goal should be a focus on Christ. One way we do this is through Christmas traditions. 1 Peter 2:4-10 4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,…

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WORDS FROM OUR FAITH This bible study aide focuses on words that are associated with our faith. They are important words in the Bible. How well do you know their biblical meaning? Begin this bible study in prayer and then fill in the meaning of each word after reading the verse(s). WORD LOCATION BIBLICAL DEFINITION / MEANING SALVATION I PETER 1   FAITH HEBREWS 11:1, I PETER 1:6-7   SIN I JOHN 3:4, 5:17   JESUS LUKE 9:35, JOHN 1:1-14  …

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2 JOHN BIBLE STUDY Here you will find a bible study on 2 John. It’s a very short book of the bible with only 1 chapters in it. We have divided this short of book of the bible into 2 bible study lessons. LESSON 1 II JOHN 1-3 There are two views of who the intended audience of John’s second letter is. View 1: Literal: A specific lady in the church and her children. View 2: Figurative: The church, because…

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We ask that you and/or your bible study group use our Free Bible Studies for personal use only. Please do not distribute, change or alter our bible studies in any way. God Revealed In this bible study, God is revealed in scripture! God is shown through His creation, His written word, what He has done, and through those who have testified of Him. Mostly used NKJV (also referred to ESV, NIV, NLT) TRUE OR FALSE WRITTEN DECLARE DIFFERENT REACTIONS We…

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TITUS; A verse by verse bible study

We ask that you and/or your bible study group use our Free Bible Studies for personal use only. Please do not distribute, change or alter our bible studies in any way. TITUS BIBLE STUDY This Titus Bible Study will take you verse by verse through this small book of the bible. It is only 3 chapters long. This is also an application study. This means the goal is to apply scripture to your everyday life. CHAPTER 1 Verse 1:A. What…

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We ask that you and/or your bible study group use our Free Bible Studies for personal use only. Please do not distribute, change or alter our bible studies in any way. A BIBLE STUDY TO HELP US IN PRAYER Praying with scripture is a good way for new Christians and long time Christians to talk to God! Praying to God keeps us connected to Him. This fellowship time is the key to a strong relationship with our One and only…

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SAVED; A bible study on the word saved

We ask that you and/or your bible study group use our Free Bible Studies for personal use only. Please do not distribute, change or alter our bible studies in any way. SAVED What is it about the word “saved” that makes it so appropriate to describe a Christian? Answer this question now, before starting lesson 1, and then again after completing all the Lessons (lessons 1-4). (NKJV Bible was used as a reference in this bible study). Lesson 1: Why…

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