Make time for God, so you can have time for you.

Make time so you can have time? You are probably wondering “Ok, the point of this? I know I will have more time if I make a point to have more time.”. I purposely left out a couple words in the title, for God, and for you. I did this so those words to stand out. I will explain what Make time for God, so you can have more time for you means by using my story as an example.

I always use verses to relate everything I talk about back to scripture, back to God and His word. But this time I can not. I can’t because I have not been in His word myself. I have been to church regularly, and I have been listening to sermons and worship/christian music in the car each day. But that is not enough, and I realized that last night when I finally put the “ups” and “downs” of life aside and made time for GOD, and ONLY GOD.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash


This year has had it’s “downs”, but I didn’t let those “downs” keep me down. Those downs can mess with your mind, and it was doing just that. I was letting the “downs”, and eventually the “ups” keep me too busy. Too busy to make time for God and for me!

The downs

Right before mothers day I lost my mom. As you can probably see, this is were most of the “downs” stem from. So very early on we had to begin with the “firsts”. (I don’t want this to be a sad post about death, because it is everyone’s future. Death is why God sent His Son Jesus to die, so we can live forever in a perfect world!) But this brought about major changes in my life which I did not know how to balance with every other area of life. So, something had to be squeezed out. Yep, that was my personal time with God, and me time, along with keeping up with the laundry and a few other chores. The laundry part is ok, because that is my most dreaded chore. 😂

The ups

Yesterday I was so excited because the furniture I ordered online came in. So, I spent a good portion of my day putting it together. This was an “up” for sure! After putting it together I then went to the store, because it needed extra padding in the back cushions for support. So, more time consumed with my up, but I did not mind at all! This was a great “up”, me and my husbands basement project was coming along great!

Prayer Journals
These are my prayer journals. I have one for me and my husband, then I have one for each of my children/grandchildren.


That evening we ate dinner and started watched the football game in the basement. God showed me how little time I have actually spent with Him lately. I felt a little guilty for sure, so I got my prayer journals out, and started praying. I then texted all my kids for prayer and praises for their prayer journals. The next morning I finished my prayer journals, and realized something pretty important. I realized that I felt good, I felt calm and at peace. I felt like I had finally had some “me time”.

I realized that I felt good, I felt calm and at peace. I felt like I had finally had some “me time”.

Make time so you can have time

When I made time for God, I made time for me! Fellowship with God, one on one, slowed me down and by the end it made me relaxed and feeling like I just had some major “me time”. I did something I love, I spent time with God! Praying is not this major “up” or “down” when we are in it, we’re just there in the moment.

So make time for God, so you can have time for you! Make time so you can have time!


If you want to learn about becoming a child of God, and what that means you can read our post titled What is Salvation? and God’s Promise of Salvation.

We hope you search our website, Christian Fellowshipping, for more encouraging ways to fellowship with God and other believes.

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