Types of promises in the Bible
Sometimes to get through this life, through the month, year or even today, you need to hold tight to the promises of God. Each of us look to different types of promises in the Bible, from God, for the encouragement that we often need.

- Unconditional – This promise rest only with God. Nothing or no one has anything to do with this kind of promise. An example of this promise is when God promised to never flood the earth again. (Genesis 9:11)
- Conditional – This promise will be given base on conditions or circumstances. An example of this promise is when God grants us the promise of salvation. Even though this promise is free, we do have to believe. (Romans 10:9)
- Past – Promises that God has already made and followed through with. An example of this promise is if God has already given you the the Holy Spirit (John 14:26-27) or when God fulfilled the promise to Abraham and Sarah of a son in their old age. (Genesis 17:16,19)
- Present – An example of a promise in the present is that God will not leave you or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
- Future – In the future God promises that He will make a New Heaven and a New Earth. (II Peter 3:12-13)
In the next few post, we will be looking at some of these specific promises of God, in bible study form. (Links will be added below) This will be a good opportunity to fellowship with God while learning His word, and hopefully be encouraged at the same time.
Lesson 1: God’s Promise of Salvation
Lesson 2: God’s promise that He will never leave you or forsake you
Lesson 3: God’s promise in the Beatitudes
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.